
License Options

Part Number Description

GMPLS Support on JUNOS

IPv6 Support on JUNOS

IPv6 Support on JUNOS (low end)

Logical Router Support for JUNOS

Chassis license for Application Traffic Optimization service, policy enforcement and application stats. This license includes S-AI and S-LDPF functionality, Includes 1 Year Signature Subscription License

License to use CRTP feature in AS PIC and MS PIC

Security Services license for AS and MS PIC

Chassis license for IDP service, policy enforcement. This license includes S-AI and S-LDPF fucntionality. Includes 1 Year Signature Subscription License

L2TP LNS license for 16K session for M120 on MS PIC

L2TP LNS license Upgrade from 8K to 16K session for M120 MS PIC

L2TP LNS license for 2K sessions on M7i,M10i and M120 AS PIC or Integrated Adaptive Services Module and MS PIC

L2TP LNS license for 4K sessions on M7i,M10i and M120 AS PIC or Integrated Adaptive Services Module and MS PIC

L2TP LNS license Upgrade from 2K to 4K sessions for M7i,M10i and M120 AS PIC or Integrated Adaptive Services Module and MS PIC

L2TP LNS license for 8K session_ for M7i, M10i and M120 on MS PIC

L2TP LNS license Upgrade from 4K to 8K session_ for M7i, M10i and M120 AS for MS PIC

Link Services Software License - up to 1023 ML bundles per Chassis for MS PIC and MS DPC

Link Services Software Ugrade License - from 255 to 1023 ML bundles per Chassis for MS PIC and MS DPC

Link Services Software Ugrade License - from 64 to 255 ML bundles per Chassis for AS , MS PIC and MS DPC

Link Services Software License - up to 255 ML bundles per Chassis for AS PIC, MS PIC and MS DPC

Link Services Software License - up to 4 ML bundles per Chassis for AS PIC, MS PIC and MS DPC

Link Services Software License - up to 64 ML bundles per Chassis for AS PIC, MS PIC and MS DPC

Link Services Software Ugrade License - from 4 to 64 ML bundles per Chassis for AS, MS PIC and MS DPC

Software License for Passive Monitoring Flow Monitor Application supporting 1M flows. Chassis based license for MS-PIC.

NAT,FW license on AS and MS PIC: Multi-instance

NAT,FW license on AS and MS PIC: Single-instance

Stateful Failover for Services on AS PIC amd MS PIC, MLPPP only.

Tunnel services software license for AS and MS PICs (chassis license)


May 29, 2024

In the dynamic landscape of network infrastructure, selecting the right router platform is paramount for ensuring seamless connectivity and efficient data transmission. With an array of options available, it's crucial to delve into the specifics of each brand and platform to make an informed...